Monday, December 15, 2008

Isn't She Lovely

When I look at this niece of mine....I see my sister, her twin, my baby sister Lou, and my only an very precious brother Spencer in her face.  It's the eyes.  Even though Miss C's eyes are blue.....her eyes make me feel as like I am looking at the faces of some of my siblings when they were growing up.  And the freckles too.  Oh how I love all their freckles. There is a picture of my mother and Aunt Lynne up in my grandmother's house in Idaho.  I think I will have to scan it in and post these together.  The resemblance is alarming and endearing all at the same time.  Lynne and Mom wouldn't you say so?  The picture in the library when you both are wearing similar dresses?    Thanksgiving 2008-500-5

Thanksgiving 2008-498

And anyone who knows my family knows this little nephew is the spitten image of his mama. His luscious lips and his big, beautiful, blue eyes are a dead giveaway.  All my nieces and nephews own me.  I am not ashamed to say so.  I will be post images of them from time to time.  These are just a few I have looked at lately. 

Thanksgiving 2008-1121

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008