Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Miss Liza

It is my youngest sister's birthday and here are some of the things I love about her.
* She is disciplined. Not the run of the mill kind of discipline....could be over the top Hitler style (also known as Grandma J. style) of discipline.
* My favorite Jack belongs to her.
* She's evidenced by her recent audition for a cooking show. She knocked it out of the ball park and if they don't hire her they are retarded.
* She is an amazing cook.
* She is frugal.
* She is faithful.
* She sings like an angel.
* She was born the day before my birthday when I was turning 9 years old. I believed she was my very own special birthday gift. I still feel that way today.
* She married a democrat. He's now registered as a moderate. Thank heavens she's had some measure of influence on him! :-) Only kidding Tyson.

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